I am completely amazed by the human body. It is this amazingly complex machine with so many moving parts and systems. I do not know a tiny fraction of how it all works, but I am amazed. I marvel at how it is born and grows, has health and life, can overcome sickness and rebuild itself. I am amazed at how much goes right when with so many systems one would expect more things to fail.
As I am pondering this, I read in the news about how such a large percentage of American's aren't accepting scientific fact. The Big Bang theory. Evolution of a species through natural selection. And so on.
And I think of course! How can we believe something that goes against everything we see around us and all of our experiences!
How can you look into a child's eyes and see natural selection instead of the light of something eternal and pure shining through?
How does lightning striking amino acids create such diverse life as plants and animals, insects and reptiles, mammals and sea creatures? Natural selection doesn't begin to explain the amazing and diverse life found on this earth.
Of course it doesn't make senese. It goes against every evidence surrounding us! The more educated I become, the more I cannot believe that the universe just "happened" and so did we and all life on this planet.
Entrophy is the law of this universe. Dishes get dirty. Laundry gets dirty. Houses need repair. Flower beds need weeding. Unmaintained homes fall apart. We get sick and we eventually die. According to my physical science teacher in college EVERYTHING in nature goes from a higher state to a lower state. Energy is always lost unless more energy is exerted from an external source. One fundamental constant in the universe is Entropy. It is as much of a given as gravity is.
How can evolution ever fight entropy without a creator? How can all of the species of the world exist in all of their variety without something overcoming entropy from an outside source?
However God created the universe, and by whatever methods he chose to use, everything created screams that its existence is owed to a greater, more intelligent, benevolent, and beauty loving Creator. To ignore it is to ignore the biggest fundamental truth of our existence.